SCC Arbitration Institute

The power of international arbitration

The SCC’s mission is to facilitate trade and business since 1917. Today, Secretary General Kristin Campbell-Wilson reflects on the power of international arbitration as a peaceful mean of resolving inter-state disputes.


In 2017 during the SCC’s centennial, we paid particular tribute to the importance of international arbitration for trade, economic development and the peaceful resolution of disputes. International arbitration has not only resolved many thousands of commercial cross-border disputes during the past 100 years but has offered states a peaceful mean to solve complex inter-state disputes avoiding the resort to force and loss of lives, as depicted in the documentary “the Quiet Triumph – How Arbitration Changed the World”. I encourage you to watch the film, it will bring you 47 minutes of hope, courage and conviction. 

I further recommend you to read “Arbitrating for Peace”, which depicts 14 landmark international arbitration cases which made a difference in inter-state disputes, but also in some commercial disputes with geopolitical dimensions. 

As an impartial and independent venue for international commercial dispute resolution, we believe in the power of rule, and not the rule of power.

The SCC is closely monitoring the developments in Ukraine and doing its best to support the parties and tribunals in SCC arbitrations directly affected by the war and its consequences.

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