Search results for "Statistics" (19 results)
Every spring, we compile the previous year's case statistics. These highlight how many cases we have administered, the type of contracts in dispute and when the cases were decided.
SCC:s statistics highlight how many cases we have administered, the type of contracts in dispute, how time efficient our procedures are, and which arbitrators are being appointed, among other things.
Every spring, we compile the previous year's case statistics. These highlight how many cases we have administered, the type of contracts in dispute and when the cases were decided.
April 5, 2024 In 2023, the SCC solidified its position as a key player in international dispute resolution. Despite global challenges, the SCC thrived. Trust grew, seen in higher amounts in dispute, a greater number of commenced and resolved disputes, and a rise in international disputes. These statistics underscore the SCC's reputation for neutrality, stability, and efficiency.
March 1, 2023 2022 was yet another turbulent year for the world. Just as normalcy was beginning to emerge after the Covid-19 pandemic, the year was abruptly impacted by the war in Ukraine. That, and the challenging economic situation that followed, is reflected in the SCC Arbitration Institute’s statistics for 2022.
Här hittar du statistik från 2008–2023.
Here you will find answers to the most common questions about arbitration, arbitrators, time and cost, and the SCC's role in the proceedings.
An arbitration can only take place if there is an arbitration agreement between the parties. We recommend that a dispute resolution clause is included in any business agreement.
Här hittar du relevanta och aktuella rapporter om skiljedom.
The composition of the arbitral tribunal is covered by the SCC Arbitration Rules and the SCC Rules for Expedited Arbitration. Read more about the factors that determine the appointment of SCC arbitrators.
The SCC provides a neutral forum and an impartial process for the resolution of commercial disputes worldwide. Every year, we register almost 200 cases with a total value of around €2 billion.
Here you will find relevant and topical reports, SCC practice notes, and articles regarding arbitration and other types of dispute resolution.
March 8, 2024 As part of the interview series – the SCC Spotlight Talk – Lindsay Gastrell, Independent Arbitrator with Arbitration Chambers talks about the benefits of diversity in international arbitration and what obstacles there are to overcome.
January 16, 2024 The SCC offers mediation services to Swedish and international companies who wish to resolve their disputes outside court. Mediation is a flexible and cost-effective form of dispute resolution where the parties are assisted by an independent third party to resolve their dispute in a considered and legally sound way.
March 10, 2023 During January–Mars 2023, Adam Runestam, associate at Hammarskiöld, did an internship at the SCC. Adam graduated from Uppsala University in January 2021 and has since then worked mainly with dispute resolution. We interviewed Adam and asked him five questions to get a picture of his view of the SCC’s internship programme.
March 10, 2022 The SCC statistics for 2021 reflect the state of the business community during the second year of the Covid-19 crisis. The length of SCC arbitrations from referral to award remained short despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, and a highlight includes a successful result of the efforts of the SCC to promote equality in arbitration.