After high publicity cases where companies have been awarded billions of dollars in damages from developing countries, Investor State Dispute Settlements, ISDS, in recent years has met critique. But what would happen if there was no ISDS? Who better to answer that question but Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, UNCITRAL, and Director of the International Trade Law Division in the Office of Legal Affairs of the UN Secretariat.
In a landmark decision, Romania's High Court of Cassation and Justice confirmed that non-governmental organizations of public interest in Romania may administer institutional arbitration only if authorized by law, resolving legal uncertainty. In this news article, Cosmin Vasile, a member of the SCC Arbitrators’ Council and partner at Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners in Romania, analyses the decision and provides some key takeaways.
In our video series, we interviewed a few of the SCC Arbitrators' Council members to gain a better understanding of the international landscape for arbitration and other types of dispute resolution
The SCC Arbitration Institute may be best known for administering major commercial arbitrations. However, the SCC arbitration clause is often included in some employment contracts. Over the last five
What is the biggest difference between working in Stockholm and Paris? How can one choose darkness when you can have sunshine all year round in Singapore? SCC's interns Yi Ting Sam and Chloé
In our video series, we interviewed a few of the SCC Arbitrators' Council members to gain a better understanding of the international landscape for arbitration and other types of dispute resolution
With the SCC Express, a dispute can be solved within three weeks and for a fixed fee. The SCC now offers three different sets of model clauses for including the SCC Express in contracts.
Procedural innovation has been a ‘hot topic’ in international arbitration. Indeed, the SCC alongside other arbitral institutions has been promoting the idea that one size does not fit all, and that
2023 has been marked as a watershed year for climate litigation. The SCC Arbitration Institute co-organised an Energy Transition Forum in April 2023 to facilitate a discussion on these important
On 31 May 2023, the SCC Arbitration Institute (SCC) and the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw (SAKIG) signed a Cooperation Agreement aiming to advance arbitration and
The ICCA Awards Series is a new online publication created by ICCA, devoted to arbitral awards and related decisions relevant to the development of international arbitration. The first batch of
Jake Lowther joins the SCC as new Legal Counsel.