SCC decisions on challenges – an overview
In a newly published edition of the BCDR International Arbitration Review, Annette Magnusson and Christoffer Coello Hedberg write about SCC practice regarding challenges to arbitrators.

The SCC has seen a slight increase in the number of challenges against arbitrators during the period 2010–2019. The article outlines the nature of these challenges, the procedure and the legal standard applied to the challenges at the SCC and a brief overview of the SCC Board’s decisions on challenges. The SCC Board’s decisions on challenges are provided with reasoning in order to provide greater clarity and predictability to the arbitrator challenge procedure. The introduction of reasons in January 2018 followed demands for increased transparency in international arbitration in general, including the decision-making process for challenges to arbitrators.This article will inform you of grounds and themes for challenges in the past which may be indicative of how the SCC Board would decide in a similar situation in the future. Read the article on Kluwer’s website and in print.