SCC Spotlight Talk: Carri Ginter
In this SCC Spotlight Talk we ask Carri Ginter, head of the Dispute Resolution & Risk Management practice at Sorainen and member of the SCC Arbitrators’ Council, to reflect on the current state and future of arbitration in Sweden and the Baltics.

What changes do you observe in the arbitration market, particularly in Sweden and the Baltic states?
The arbitration market is becoming increasingly professional and more cross-border. This is one of the few legal fields where you can transcend your jurisdiction. Arbitration often allows lawyers to operate successfully without deep knowledge of local law. We see more opportunities to create dynamic legal teams from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, working seamlessly in arbitration venues like Stockholm, London or even Dubai. This cross-border collaboration not only broadens our scope but also significantly contributes to the development of know-how in the region.
How do you see the role of the SCC Arbitration Institute evolving in the near future?
The SCC Arbitration Institute will become even more significant as arbitration grows. Fifteen years ago, only a handful of people in the Baltic states were familiar with arbitration. Today, a new generation of young, motivated lawyers are eager to specialize in this field. As they gain experience, parties will begin to see SCC arbitration not as something foreign or complicated but as an extension of their legal environment – essentially, their backyard. This familiarity will naturally lead to more Baltic involvement in SCC proceedings and foster rapid regional arbitration growth. I would add that the SCC stands out for its innovative approach to dispute resolution, not only the “products” they offer but also their technological advancements. The SCC platform is a good example of creating user-friendly access to case management and saying farewell to the excessive paper trail. The more they continue to develop automation and simplified processes, the more the new generation of lawyers will prefer SCC over other institutions. As an arbitrator I find the SCC team very professional, responsive, and generally just nice. This makes the arbitrator’s work much easier and more pleasant.
Do you think the arbitration process itself could benefit from reform?
Absolutely. While arbitration is valued for its flexibility and efficiency, there is massive room for improvement. I often look at arbitral awards and procedural orders and question their true value to the client. Are we adding genuine value, or are we putting on a show – a ‘dog and pony show’, so to speak? Do we need so many pages of text describing what has happened in terms of procedure going day by day? Do we need the complex language, or is it our uncertainty that demands the text to be massive and complex. Can we automate the PO1 learning from earlier experiences such as Redfern? To what extent can we use a co-drafting process with the parties in procedural matters? I believe in the principle of ‘simple is beautiful.’ We need to consider whether we can make awards shorter, streamline the process, and recalibrate our expectations to arbitrators. A more straightforward approach would enhance the client experience and make arbitration even more appealing for commerce and younger generations of lawyers.
What makes the Baltics an attractive hub for arbitration?
The Baltics have a unique opportunity, particularly when it comes to handling lower-value disputes from more expensive jurisdictions. I often hear colleagues from London complaining that it simply makes no sense to arbitrate a 200 000-pound claim. Pragmatically, parties may find it cost-effective to resolve their disputes here, benefiting from high-quality legal services at competitive rates. This shift could position the Baltics as a pragmatic and efficient arbitration hub, offering value without compromising on quality. As more parties recognize this potential, I foresee substantial growth in local arbitration, further enhancing our region’s reputation on the global stage.
What excites you most about the future of arbitration in this region?
The future is incredibly exciting because we are at a pivotal moment. The Baltic states are no longer on the periphery of the arbitration world. We are becoming key players. With young talent entering the field, increased collaboration across borders, and the potential to innovate and streamline arbitration processes, I believe we are on the cusp of something transformative. Just imagine where Artificial Intelligence will take us within the coming years if not months. My aim is to continue contributing to this growth and positioning our region as a leading force in international arbitration.