SCC Arbitration Institute

SCC survey shows positive approach to digitalized working methods

According to a new SCC survey, 77% of inhouse-lawyers at Nordic companies considers the choice of dispute resolution method a strategic decision at management level. The survey also indicates that the international arbitration community is ready to go more digital.


As part of our efforts to develop our business and in making sure that our services and offering stay relevant to the international business community and helping companies grow, the SCC recently commissioned a market research survey conducted by the research company IPSOS. In this survey, we asked the arbitration community what is most important in the delivery of our services. We also investigated the attitude to alternative dispute resolution services among corporate lawyers in the Nordic region.

A report summarizing the SCC survey will be published later this year and – as a teaser – we wish to share two examples of the findings which in many ways confirm an undeniable development and ongoing shift in the business world and arbitration community towards digital working methods:

Stay tuned for more information about our survey.

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