The Swedish way of resolving conflicts: Aiming for a win-win situation
Negotiation is an important part of life, not only for arbitrators and company lawyers, but for anyone involved in settling issues such as when it is time to go to bed and whose turn it is to do the dishes. These were the opening remarks by Stefan Löfven, former Prime Minister of Sweden and Senior Industrial Advisor at Rud Pedersen Public Affairs, which he touched upon in his keynote speech at SCC Arbitration Week.

Mr Löfven has extensive knowledge of how to deal with conflicts in the labour market from his experience as chairman of the Swedish metal industry union before becoming the chairman of the Swedish Social Democratic Party in 2012. Yet he experienced a big cultural difference in how conflicts are resolved in the political field.
– There can be tough negotiations in the labour market, but once you reach an agreement, you shake hands, and there it is. It’s not really the same in politics, said Mr Löfven.
Stefan Löfven was Prime Minister from 2014-2021, and after the election in 2018, it took a record number of days – 134 – to reach an agreement on how to form a government.
– Because it was very difficult to satisfy four parties, two in the government and two in the parliament.
The extensive negotiations on topics such as the environment and criminality resulted in an agreement and a government. It also gave Mr Löfven an even stronger belief in “the Swedish way” of trying to turn conflicts of interest into win-win situations.
Stefan Löfven, who is also Chair of the Board of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) as well as Chair of the Board of the Olof Palme Memorial Fund, also reflected on cultural differences across different geographic regions in the world.
– Some say you have to be very tough, you just slam your hand on the table. We can do that once, twice. The fifth time you do it, you’re not as strong.