SCC Arbitration Institute

SCC Online Seminar Recordings

Navigating Dispute Resolution in Cross-Border Contracts with Chinese Entities

Dispute resolution at the SCC with Chinese entities, a webinar in collaboration with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China.

Caroline Falconer, Secretary General, SCC Arbitration Institute
Jake Lowther, Specialist Counsel, SCC Arbitration Institute

Video session

Tvistlösning med offentlig aktör – vad gäller?

Madeleine Thörn, Deputy Secretary General and Head of Operations, SCC
Lina Krait, Legal Counsel, SCC

Video session (Swedish)

Skiljeförfarande vid upphandlade kontrakt – omöjlighet eller fördelaktigt och uppskattat?

Julia Tavaststjerna, Chefsjurist, Nya tunnelbanan, Region Stockholm
Olof Larsberger, advokat och delägare, Kastell Advokatbyrå
Madeleine Thörn, biträdande generalsekreterare, SCC Skiljedomsinstitut

Video session (Swedish)

Costs of Arbitration and Apportionment under the SCC Rules

Jake Lowther, Specialist Counsel, SCC Arbitration Institute
Lotta Knapp Lönroth, Senior Legal Counsel, Perstorp Group
Tobias Hamrin, Partner, Delphi Law Firm

Caroline Falconer, Secretary General at the SCC Arbitration Institute

Video session

Att tvista vid SCC Skiljedomsinstitut, 31 May 2024

Evelina T. Wahlström, Head of Quality / Legal Counsel
Magnus Eriksson, Advokat
Fanny Gleiss Wilborg, Advokat

Video session (Swedish)

Mastering contract negotiations and dispute differences in Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Lithuania, 21 February 2024

Sven Lange, Partner, Busse Disputes, Germany
Ramunas Audzevicius, Partner, Motieka, Lithuania
Knud Knudsen, Partner, Simonsen Vogt Wiig, Norway
Henriette Gernaa, Partner, Gorrissen Federspiel, Denmark

Caroline Falconer, Secretary General, SCC Arbitration Institute

Video session

Mastering an effective dispute resolution clause, 27 October 2023

Speakers: Caroline Falconer, Secretary General and Madeleine Thörn, Deputy Secretary General and Head of Operations, SCC

Have you ever found yourself in this situation? It’s midnight. The negotiations have been exhausting, but after a few final touches, the contract with all its key terms will finally be ready. But wait — what about the dispute resolution clause? How do you negotiate that? Watch the webinar to get your answer.

Video session

Tvistlösning i entreprenadprojekt, 17 November, 2023

Hur kan entreprenadtvister lösas smidigt?

Entreprenader resulterar ofta i tvist. En ny rapport av SCC visar att det generellt sett är dyrare och tar längre tid att lösa byggtvister genom ad hoc-skiljeförfaranden än genom SCC:s skiljedomsinstitut. David Wigfeldt, jurist på SCC, diskuterar olika metoder för att lösa tvister i entreprenadprojekt med Andréas Vidmar, chefsjurist på AF Gruppen och Sofia Mårtensson, jurist på STRABAG, under ett seminar med Sveriges Bolagsjurister.

Video session (Swedish)

Conducting arbitrations digitally – the Swedish way, 23 October 2023

Speakers: Jake Lowther, Legal Counsel at the SCC, Erika Finn, Partner at Kilpatrick Townsend, Johan Sidklev, Partner at Roschier, Kristoffer Löf, Partner at Mannheimer & Swartling, Sandra Kaznova, Partner at Hammarskiöld

Amid the rapidly evolving legal landscape, the Swedish experience is that embracing technology is crucial for successful and sustainable arbitration. Sweden is not unique in its pro-arbitration stance; however, its focus on efficiency and renewable, cyber-secure infrastructure has set the scene for a truly progressive arbitration environment. Learn more about conducting arbitrations digitally the Swedish way!

Video session

Energy Transition and climate disputes, 18 April 2023

Speakers: Caroline Falconer, SCC Arbitration Institute, Wolf von Kumberg, Arbitra, Crina Baltag, Stockholm’s University and friends

Energy Transition and Climate Disputes – Why Now? This relevant issue was explored at the Energy Transition Forum organised by the SCC Arbitration Institute, the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), Westerberg & Partners, and Advokatfirman Delphi. At the Forum, three stellar panels discussed the basis for energy transition disputes, the intersection with environmental, social, and governance (ESG), and possible ways to mitigate the impact.

Video session

Automation in Arbitration, 4 June 2020

Speaker: Lise Alm, Head of Business development, SCC
Addressing the complex intersection of law and technology requires knowledge of law, technology and ethics. In this seminar we discuss the reality, the hype and the concerns of automation, AI and blockchain within arbitration. How far have we come and what are the potential ethical concerns with the development ahead?

Video session

Negotiating a dispute resolution clause, 28 May 2020

Speakers: Lise Alm, Head of Business development, SCC and Matilde Matsgård, Legal Counsel
Whether you are an in-house counsel, external counsel or not a lawyer at all, you might occasionally find yourself negotiating the dispute resolution clause in contracts, the so-called “midnight clause”. This seminar provides insight and arguments for different dispute resolution options together with key aspects to consider.

Video session

Arbitration at the SCC, 7 May 2020

Speaker: Natalia Petrik, Legal Counsel SCC
A presentation of the key features of SCC arbitration, its practices and procedures, including recent developments and statistics.

Video session

Online hearings from a Swedish perspective, 5 May 2020

Introduction: Annette Magnusson (Secretary General, SCC)
Moderator: Patricia Shaughnessy (Professor, Stockholm University)
Panelists: Kristoffer Löf (Partner, Mannheimer Swartling), Polina Permyakova (Counsel, WilmerHale) and Fanny Gleiss Wilborg (Partner, Lundberg & Gleiss).

Video session (Swedish)

Online hearings when the parties cannot agree, 29 April 2020

Introduction: Annette Magnusson, Secretary General, SCC
Moderator: Patricia Shaughnessy, Professor, Stockholm University
Panelists: Maxi Scherer (Professor, Dr, Special counsel, Wilmer Hale), Michael Mcilwrath (Global Litigation Counsel, Baker Hughes), Wendy Miles (Partner, Debevoise and Plimpton), Paul Cohen (International lawyer, 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square)

Video session

Negotiating a dispute resolution clause, 27 April 2020

Speaker: Natalia Petrik, Legel Counsel, SCC
Whether you are an in-house counsel, external counsel or not a lawyer at all, you might occasionally find yourself negotiating the dispute resolution clause in contracts, the so-called “midnight clause”. This seminar provides insight and arguments for different dispute resolution options together with key aspects to consider.

Video session (Russian)

SCC Platform, 23 April 2020

Speaker: Kristin Campbell-Wilson, Deputy Secretary General, SCC
Legal professionals have been seeking secure communications and digitalization to address the complexities of international arbitral proceedings for several years. This seminar provides insights into the digitalisation trends in international dispute resolution, as well as a demonstration of the SCC Platform.

Video session

Online services in arbitration, 22 April 2020

Video session (Russian)
The arbitration community is facing extraordinary challenges, affecting various aspects of arbitration proceedings. Is it possible to conduct the hearing online? What does the law say and which technical solutions are available? How to use case-management platforms? These and other topics are discussed in the webinar.

Video session (Russian)

Arbitration and Climate Change, 16 April 2020

Speaker: Annette Magnusson, Secretary General, SCC.
What is the connection and how can international arbitration contribute to climate change efforts? At this seminar we shared ideas for change, including some of the proposals from the Stockholm Treaty Lab teams. We don’t have all the answers, but encourage a dialogue to inspire change.

Video session