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Statistics 2023

These highlight how many cases we have administered, the type of contracts in dispute, how time efficient our procedures are, and which arbitrators are being appointed, among other things.

Caseload 2010-2023

In 2023, the SCC registered 175 new cases. Of these, 97 (55%) were international disputes and 78 (45%) were Swedish disputes. For a case to be considered Swedish, all parties must be Swedish.

Disputed amount in total

The amount represents the total amount in dispute in SCC cases commenced in 2023. It includes cases under the SCC Rules, SCC Rules for Expedited Arbitrations, SCC Rules on Emergency Arbitrators and cases administered under the UNCITRAL Rules. Only cases where information on disputed value was available to the SCC are included in the amount below.

Total € 3,049,765,766

Applicable Rules

Of the 2023 caseload, 55% (96 cases) were arbitrations registered under the SCC Arbitration Rules, and 38% (67 cases) were registered under the SCC Rules for Expedited Arbitrations. The SCC also registered 4 Emergency Arbitrator proceedings, 2 arbitrations administered under the UNCITRAL Rules, 5 ad hoc arbitrations, and one SCC Express.

Type of agreement

The disputes brought to the SCC in 2023 stemmed from many different types of agreements. Most common were disputes arising out of service agreements, business acquisitions, and delivery agreements.

Seat of the arbitration

Nationality of the parties

In 2023, 439 parties from 42 different countries  resolved their disputes at the SCC. There are two  or more parties to each case. 

Language of the arbitration

The cases registered in 2023 used English, Swedish, French, Russian and Polish as the language of the administration of the arbitration.

Applicable law

The most frequent applicable law in SCC cases commenced in 2023 was Swedish law (80%), followed by English law.

Time for rendering final award under the SCC Arbitration Rules 

Time for rendering final award under the SCC Rules for Expedited Arbitrations

The final award under the SCC Rules on Expedited Arbitrations shall be made no later than three months from the date the case was referred to the arbitrator.

The SCC may extend this time limit upon a reasoned request from the Arbitrator, or if otherwise deemed necessary, having due regard to the expedited nature of the proceedings.

Nationality of the arbitrators

SCC appointed 250 arbitrators from 27 countries in five different continents in 2023.

Number of arbitrators

In 67% of the 96 cases commenced under the SCC Arbitration Rules in 2023, the tribunal consisted of three members. In 32% of the cases, the tribunal consisted of a sole arbitrator. In 1 % of the cases, a decision on number of arbitrators had not been made in January 2024.

Appointed arbitrators

In 2023, the parties appointed 148 arbitrators (59%) while the SCC appointed  92 arbitrators (37%). The co-arbitrators appointed only 10 arbitrators (4%).

Appointed arbitrators in SCC arbitrations

Of the arbitrators appointed by the SCC, the parties, and co-arbitrators in 2023, 39% were women and 61%  were men.

Arbitrators appointed by the SCC

The SCC appointed 92 arbitrators in 2023, of which 51 were women and 41 were men. Arbitrators in SCC arbitrations were also appointed by the parties and by the co-arbitrators.

Arbitrators appointed by the parties

Of the 250 arbitrators appointed in SCC arbitrations in 2023, 148 were appointed by the parties. Of these, 31% were women and 69% were men. 

Arbitrators appointed by co-arbitrators

In 2023, the co-arbitrators appointed 10 arbitrators: one woman and 9 men. 

Challenge to arbitrator

Among the six challenges to arbitrators made in 2023, five challenges were dismissed and one was sustained. ​


In two cases, the arbitrator chose to resign after a party’s challenge. ​

The sustained challenge was made in relation to a party appointed arbitrator.


Two requests for challenges were made in relation to SCC appointed arbitrators. Both were dismissed.


Emergency arbitrator

If a decision on interim measures is needed to provisionally ensure a party’s claim before the commencement of an arbitration, the party may apply to the SCC for the appointment of an emergency arbitrator. ​

Four emergency arbitrator proceedings were commenced at the SCC in 2023. In all cases, an emergency arbitrator was appointed within 24 hours, and decisions were rendered on average after 5,25 days.​ Of these four emergency arbitrator proceedings, two resulted in the request for interim relief being denied, and two resulted in the request for interim relief being partially granted.