SCC Arbitration Institute

Statistics 2024

SCC:s statistics highlight how many cases we have administered, the type of contracts in dispute, how time efficient our procedures are, and which arbitrators are being appointed, among other things.

Caseload 2010-2024

In 2024, the SCC registered 204 new cases. Of these, 105 (51%) were international disputes and 99 (49%) were Swedish disputes (involving only Swedish parties). Of the cases that were administered under the SCC Arbitration Rules, 65% were international and 35% were Swedish.

Applicable Rules

Of the 2024 caseload, 53% (107 cases) were arbitrations registered under the SCC Arbitration Rules, and 35% (71 cases) were registered under the SCC Rules for Expedited Arbitrations. The SCC also registered 13 ad hoc services, 5 cases under the SCC Mediation Rules, 4 Emergency Arbitrator proceedings, as well as one SCC Express.

Disputed amount in total

Average amount in dispute

The average amount in dispute for disputes administered under the SCC Arbitration Rules amounted to just over EUR 100 million and the average amount in dispute under the SCC Expedited Arbitration Rules was approx. EUR 672 000. 


The disputes invoked in 2024 concerned a wide range of contract types. The most common were disputes concerning retail and consumer products, financial services, and real estate and construction. 

Contract type

The disputes brought to the SCC in 2024 originated from many different types of contracts. Most common were disputes arising out of business acquisitions, delivery and transportation agreements, and purchase agreements.

Seat of the arbitration

Nationality of the parties

In 2024, 488 parties from 40 different countries resolved their disputes at the SCC Arbitration Institute. There are two or more parties in each case.

Language of the arbitration

The cases registered 2024 used English, Swedish, Russian and French as the language of the proceedings.

Time for rendering final award after referral to arbitral tribunal

Arbitrations under the SCC Arbitration Rules concluded in 2024.

Time for rendering final award after referral to arbitral tribunal

Arbitrations under the SCC Expedited Arbitration Rules concluded in 2024.

Challenge to arbitrator

In 2024, 12 challenges to arbitrators were registered. In 4 of the cases, the arbitrator chose to resign after the party requested his/her resignation.

In 8 of the cases, decisions were taken by the SCC Board, of which 6 applications were rejected, 1 application was sustained and 1 application was dismissed since it was received after the final arbitral award had been rendered.

Are you waiting for statistics about arbitrators in SCC arbitrations? Hang in there! More statistics to be published. Keep up to date with the SCC Newsletter.