After high publicity cases where companies have been awarded billions of dollars in damages from developing countries, Investor State Dispute Settlements, ISDS, in recent years has met critique. But what would happen if there was no ISDS? Who better to answer that question but Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, UNCITRAL, and Director of the International Trade Law Division in the Office of Legal Affairs of the UN Secretariat.
In a landmark decision, Romania's High Court of Cassation and Justice confirmed that non-governmental organizations of public interest in Romania may administer institutional arbitration only if authorized by law, resolving legal uncertainty. In this news article, Cosmin Vasile, a member of the SCC Arbitrators’ Council and partner at Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners in Romania, analyses the decision and provides some key takeaways.
Revised versions of the SCC Arbitration Rules, SCC Rules for Expedited Arbitrations, SCC Mediation Rules, SCC Rules for Express Dispute Assessment and the SCC Procedures for UNCITRAL cases have been
On the 26 January 2023 and in connection to the Norwegian Arbitration Day, the SCC and BAHR invite to a Pre-conference Discussion on ad hoc vs institutional arbitration.
Caroline Falconer to take on the role of Secretary General for the SCC Arbitration Institute starting 17th January 2023.
”The world order is out of order”. That was the message from former Swedish Prime Minister Mr. Fredrik Reinfeldt, when he delivered the keynote speech at the Live Trendspotting event that kicked off
On 29th November 2022, the SCC held the third East-West Forum, devoted to the impact of the war in Ukraine on international arbitration.
Here it is – our new look and feel (and scent…)! Just because you are older than 100 years doesn't mean you need to look it. The SCC Arbitration Institute has always had an innovative mindset
Meet Emilia Lundberg, Mattias Göransson and Kristin Campbell-Wilson when they share the origin of the new express dispute resolution tool SCC Express, and give examples on how it can help your
As part of our efforts to develop our business and in making sure that our services and offering stay relevant to the international business community, the SCC Arbitration Institute earlier this year
SCC, in collaboration with ICCA and Kluwer Arbitration, continue publication of anonymized SCC awards in the Kluwer Arbitration database.
The editorial committee of Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook invites scholars and practitioners to contribute to the 2023 edition of the yearbook. Abstracts are due on 16 December 2022.