SCC Arbitration Institute

Three new model clauses for the SCC Express

With the SCC Express, a dispute can be solved within three weeks and for a fixed fee. The SCC now offers three different sets of model clauses for including the SCC Express in contracts.  


Find the SCC Express model clause here in English  and Swedish.

The SCC Express is an efficient and time-sensitive dispute resolution mechanism for parties seeking a quick resolution to their conflicts. It is particularly suitable for disputes when two contracting parties value a good ongoing business relationship, appreciate being able to work quickly on a joint project and will be looking for a timely and cost-effective dispute resolution process. A model clause for the SCC Express is a great inclusion into a contract when the companies foresee that swift resolution of a potential dispute is of paramount importance. 

There are three different sets of model clauses for the SCC Express: 

  1. A limited version for disputes regarding the interpretation or application of specific contractual provision/s  
  2. A broader version for all disputes that arise out of the contract, including an arbitration clause 
  3. An escalation clause with SCC Express as one of the steps for the resolution of disputes arising out of the contract or contractual provision/s 

The SCC Express was launched in 2021. The first SCC Express was requested in June 2023 and the procedure is ongoing.  

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