SCC Arbitration Institute

Services for ad hoc arbitrations

Ad hoc arbitration is a form of dispute resolution where the parties manage the arbitration process themselves, without the administration or procedural framework of an arbitral institution.  

However, certain situations may arise in ad hoc arbitrations where support is needed. For example: The parties may have difficulties in appointing arbitrators. A party may question an arbitrator’s impartiality.  

The SCC Arbitration Institute assists with these issues to ensure efficient and fair resolution of ad hoc arbitrations.   

Services for ad hoc arbitrations 

The SCC provides the following services in ad hoc arbitration:   

1. Appointment of Arbitrators   

When parties are unable to agree on the appointment of arbitrators, the SCC acts as an appointing authority. Our process ensures the appointment of impartial, qualified arbitrators tailored to the specifics of your case.   

2. Challenges to Arbitrators   

The SCC reviews and decides on challenges to arbitrators based on internationally recognized standards of independence and impartiality, ensuring the integrity of the arbitration process.   

3. Fundholding 

Parties to ad hoc arbitrations may deposit funds with SCC. You find more information about this here. 

4. Ad Hoc Platform 

The SCC offers parties, arbitral tribunals, mediators, and other institutions an Ad Hoc Platform. The platform is tailored to arbitration and mediation proceedings. Through the Ad Hoc Platform, participants in the proceedings can communicate securely and it provides cyber-secure document storage. You find more information about this here: Ad Hoc Platform

The Procedure for appointment of arbitrators and challenges of arbitrators in ad hoc arbitrations 

The procedure for requesting the SCC’s assistance is as follows:   

1. The applicant sends an email to the SCC ( with the request, specifying:   

2. The applicant pays the fee to the SCC and attaches proof of payment to the request.   

3. The SCC confirms receipt of the request and may request additional information. 

4. The SCC proceeds with the requested service.   


The service fee is EUR 3,000 (excluding VAT).  

The SCC reserves the right to adjust the fee if the request involves extensive work or additional costs. Any adjustments will be communicated before further action is taken.   

The fee is payable to:   

Bank: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ)   
Recipient: Stockholms Handelskammares Service AB   
Account number (IBAN): SE13 5000 0000 0512 3822 5837   
VAT registration no: SE556095795201   

Please give the requesting party’s name as a reference when making the payment and attach the receipt to the request.  

Further Information 

For further details or assistance, please contact the SCC Secretariat at