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About the SCC

The SCC provides a neutral forum and an impartial process for the resolution of commercial disputes worldwide. Every year, we register almost 200 cases with a total value of around €2 billion.  

Better process and better resolution of commercial disputes 

We were founded in 1917 and operate entirely without commercial or political interests as a non-profit and independent entity within the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. 
The SCC consists of a Secretariat headed by a Secretary General, together with an operational board comprised of experienced dispute resolution experts. Every year, we resolve nearly 200 disputes between parties from 40–50 different nations. In 2021, the total value of the disputes amounted to  two billion euros. 

SCC sekretariatet maj 2024

The SCC secretariat

The SCC employs a secretary general, lawyers, administrators, and law students. The picture shows some of us. Welcome to contact us!


The SCC board

Here you will find more information about the The SCC board.

Reliability and development 

For more than a century, the SCC has helped companies around the world resolve a variety of contractual disputes. We're not the largest dispute resolution institute, but we're often ranked as one of the best in the world. Historically, we have played a special role in resolving East-West disputes. We have also played a unique role in the system developed for international investment protection.   
Developing our activities is an important part of the work. We serve the business community and our role is to provide the dispute resolution services that parties may need in a commercial dispute. That is why we are constantly developing our services and working methods in close cooperation with lawyers, arbitrators and customers in the global business community.   

Mission and vision 

Our mission is to facilitate trade between businesses. Our services help companies grow internationally, while simultaneously facilitating trade that builds good relations between the world’s countries and regions, creating better conditions for global sustainable development.   

Our vision and goal is to become the most popular arbitration institute in the world among arbitrators, lawyers and the business community. That is why we are constantly developing and updating our services and working methods to meet the needs of our partners and customers. 

User-friendly digital work tools, relevant dispute resolution services, time-efficient and cost-effective processing, and impartial and highly skilled arbitrators are our top priority.  


Our history

We were founded in 1917 as an independent entity within the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and have worked without commercial or political interests ever since.

SCC statistik

Statistics 2023

These highlight how many cases we have administered, the type of contracts in dispute and when the cases were decided. 


Arbitrator's Guidelines

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Cost calculator


The sensations of world class arbitration