
SCC Spotlight Talk: Annika Elmér
The SCC Arbitration Institute may be best known for administering major commercial arbitrations. However, the SCC arbitration clause is often included in some employment contracts. Over the last five years, the SCC has administered 7 to 15 employment contract related disputes annually. As part of our interview series SCC Spotlight Talk, we spoke with Annika Elmér about these types of arbitrations.

Stars of the future
What is the biggest difference between working in Stockholm and Paris? How can one choose darkness when you can have sunshine all year round in Singapore? SCC's interns Yi Ting Sam and Chloé Heydarian know this, as we had them give their perspective on working with commercial dispute resolution at SCC.

What lawyers should consider before entering an arbitration agreement
In our video series, we interviewed a few of the SCC Arbitrators' Council members to gain a better understanding of the international landscape for arbitration and other types of dispute resolution methods in different countries. In this video, we meet Cosmin Vasile, Managing Partner & Head of the Arbitration Practice Group at ZRVP in Bucharest, Romania.

Three new model clauses for the SCC Express
With the SCC Express, a dispute can be solved within three weeks and for a fixed fee. The SCC now offers three different sets of model clauses for including the SCC Express in contracts.

SCC Spotlight Talk: Ema Vidak Friedman
Procedural innovation has been a ‘hot topic’ in international arbitration. Indeed, the SCC alongside other arbitral institutions has been promoting the idea that one size does not fit all, and that arbitrators and institutions alike should listen to and adapt to the needs of the users and their cases. As part of the interview series – the SCC Spotlight Talk – Ema Vidak Friedman, Independent Counsel and Arbitrator at Vidak Arbitration, shares her views on encouraging procedural innovation in the early stages of arbitral proceedings.

SCC Spotlight Talk: Crina Baltag
2023 has been marked as a watershed year for climate litigation. The SCC Arbitration Institute co-organised an Energy Transition Forum in April 2023 to facilitate a discussion on these important issues. As part of the interview series – the SCC Spotlight Talk – Dr. Crina Baltag, Associate Professor in International Arbitration at Stockholm University and Board Member of the SCC Arbitration Institute, summarises the significant aspects of energy transition and climate disputes.

The SCC sign a cooperation agreement with SAKIG
On 31 May 2023, the SCC Arbitration Institute (SCC) and the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw (SAKIG) signed a Cooperation Agreement aiming to advance arbitration and other forms of alternative dispute resolution.

SCC Arbitration Institute is a part of the ICCA Awards Series
The ICCA Awards Series is a new online publication created by ICCA, devoted to arbitral awards and related decisions relevant to the development of international arbitration. The first batch of awards published was made possible through the SCC Arbitration Institute. This publication is available to users of Wolters Kluwer.

The SCC strengthen the Secretariat with new Legal Counsel
Jake Lowther joins the SCC as new Legal Counsel.

SCC Spotlight Talk: Eduardo Zuleta J
Ad hoc arbitrations tend to pose a variety of administrative challenges for arbitrators and the parties, especially in the context of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) proceedings, which involve public funds. As part of the interview series – the SCC Spotlight Talk – we asked Eduardo Zuleta J, Independent Arbitrator at Arbitration Chambers, to share his insights on the challenges which often arise in this area.