SCC Arbitration Institute

Tvistlösning i världsklass sedan 1917.

Sedan 1917 har SCC Skiljedomsinstitut tillhandahållit en neutral, oberoende och opartisk mötesplats för tvistlösning i kommersiell verksamhet runt om i världen. Vi ligger i framkant av förändringar för att möta näringslivets växande behov. Läs mer om våra tjänster.


SCC Spotlight Talk: Carri Ginter 

In this SCC Spotlight Talk we ask Carri Ginter, head of the Dispute Resolution & Risk Management practice at Sorainen and member of the SCC Arbitrators’ Council, to reflect on the current state and future of arbitration in Sweden and the Baltics.

SCC’s consultation responses to BKK’s proposed new standard agreements in the Swedish construction industry

The SCC Arbitration Institute (SCC) has submitted its consultation responses to the Swedish Construction Contracts Committee (Sw. Byggandets Kontraktskommitté (BKK)) regarding its proposals to update and improve the standard agreements used in the Swedish construction industry. The BKK has proposed two new standard agreements, AB 25 and ABPU 25. These proposals are intended to address current challenges and incorporate best practices to ensure that the agreements remain relevant and effective. The proposals include updates to various sections, including dispute resolution, to better align with modern construction practices and legal standards.

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Så här inleder du ett skiljeförfarande enligt SCC:s Skiljedomsregler. Skiljeförfarandet inleds genom att käranden skickar en påkallelseskrift till SCC. Samtidigt ska käranden också betala in en registreringsavgift.