SCC Arbitration Institute

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Step by step guide to arbitration

A guide to how an arbitration at the SCC Arbitration Institute works.


Arbitration under the SCC rules is a quick and effective method of settling disputes out of court. The dispute is decided by impartial and expert arbitrators and the process is confidential. SCC arbitration results in an award that cannot be appealed and is enforceable in more than 160 countries.

Lucy Greenwood started The Green Pledge to push change

augusti 12, 2022 “We wanted to make it easy for people who want to make changes”, says Lucy Greenwood who founded the Campaign for Greener Arbitration in 2019. An initiative that is still highly relevant and also very active.


Here you will find answers to the most common questions about arbitration, arbitrators, time and cost, and the SCC's role in the proceedings.


Här hittar du relevanta och aktuella rapporter om skiljedom.

The sensations

Every year, hundreds of companies and organisations around the world turn to us for help to solve their disputes, fast and efficiently. So that they can focus on their core business instead. Now they can do so while enjoying the sensations of world class arbitration.

Our services

Resolve contractual disputes out of court.

At the SCC, we offer arbitration, expedited arbitration, mediation and express proceedings to Swedish and international companies who want to resolve their contractual disputes outside of a public courtroom. Our goal is to make international trade run efficiently – because we are convinced that it provides opportunities for sustainable social development and beneficial cooperation between nations. 


Here you will find relevant and topical reports, SCC practice notes, and articles regarding arbitration and other types of dispute resolution.