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SCC Arbitration Week 2024

One week per year we invite you to celebrate SCC Arbitration Week with us.  

During SCC Arbitration Week 2024, we will open the doors to a number of events, online and in Stockholm. Don't miss out!

A selection from last year's SCC Arbitration Week can be found here

Swedish Arbitration Days 2025

The Swedish Arbitration Days are organised by the Swedish Arbitration Association, proudly supported by the SCC Arbitration Institute.

As commercial disputes become more complex and larger, is mediation the key to resolving them?

Listen to Gert Nilsson Eldrimner, mediator and lawyer, Nicklas Söderberg, mediator and senior judge, and Polina Permyakova, partner and lawyer, share their experiences and thoughts on the use of mediation in Sweden and abroad. What are the benefits of mediation as a dispute resolution method, and what trends have they seen? 

Studentkväll: Utforska skiljeförfarandets värld

SCC har varit världsledande inom tvistlösning sedan 1917 och nu bjuder vi in dig att upptäcka mer om oss och hur du kan förstärka din juristutbildning på bästa sätt. Ta tillfället i akt att få insikter om tvistlösning på ett enkelt sätt samtidigt som vi bjuder på mat och dryck. Vi vet att detta område kan vara en lucka i din redan imponerande utbildning, men vi är här för att fylla den. 

Kom och lyssna på professor Christina Ramberg, bolagsjurist Viktor Fransson, generalsekreterare Caroline Falconer och jurist David Wigfeldt. 

Meet the SCC: The Future of Collaboration in Business Law

These are a few of the topics SCC Secretary General Caroline Falconer will deep dive into together with Charlotta Kronblad at Gothenburg University, Anna Rzewuska at Telia, Jan Willamo at Roschier, and Max Junestrand at Leya at an upcoming lunch event in Stockholm, hosted by Regi Research & Strategi. 

Date: 6 February 2024
Time: 11:00-13:30 
Venue: Berns, Stockholm

Diploma course for international arbitrators

The program runs for 2,5 days and includes 9 interactive modules led by leading Swedish arbitration specialists. The program is focused on key features and recent Swedish caselaw and is directed to the arbitral specialists with experience in international arbitration. Upon completion of the course, the participants will be awarded a SAA/SCC course diploma. 

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